Skin as soft and scents as a rose petal...

Rahsia Rose Bulgaria Untuk Awet Muda & Suami Jadi Romantik!!

Ramai orang mendapati aromaterapi minyak rose menjadi sangat menenangkan dan santai untuk badan dan juga fikiran.

Rose sentiasa dianggap sebagai simbol kecantikan, kemurnian dan cinta. Rose adalah salah satu bunga yang paling popular dan disukai oleh semua wanita. Ia sangat berharga untuk kecantikan, wangian dan penjagaan kulit.

Telah terbukti bahawa bunga rose telah menjadi sebahagian daripada ritual kecantikan purba. Rose terkenal dengan faedah kepada kulit , kesihatan dan minda. Pakar herba juga percaya bahawa rose bermanfaat secara rohaniah juga kerana berupaya merangsang fungsi seksual manusia.

Rose digunakan dalam aromaterapi dan urutan terapeutik. Bau bunga rose boleh merehatkan minda kerana ia mempunyai kesan menenangkan atas sistem saraf.

Rose bukan sahaja menjadikan kulit lebih lembut, ia juga menghilangkan noda pada kulit kerana bersifat astringen sederhana. Rose dapat meningkatkan peredaran darah, sistem imun dan membantu penyembuhan badan dengan mengurangkan keradangan kulit dan membaiki kapilari yang pecah akibat masalah jerawat dan sebagainya.

Perkara yang terbaik adalah bunga rose sangat berfaedah kepada semua jenis kulit walaupun jenis yang sensitif. Demikian ini menjadikan bunga Rose amat-amat dihargai.

Nikmati Khasiat Aromaterapi Rose Bulgaria Dalam Setiap Botol Dragon's Blood Beauty Sleep Serum.


The rose has a long history in its use in folk remedies, especially in the area of skincare, and modern medical science has recognized the myriad health benefits of roses - all forms of the rose, including rose petals, rosewater, essential rose oil and rose hips.

Rose essential oil is widely used in cosmetics and perfumery.
  • Has calming, aphrodisiac, uplifting and anti-depressant properties that help to balance the hormones and feelings.
  • Moisturizes and tones the skin. Ideal for dry and mature skin.
  • Rosewater has astringent, antiseptic and toning properties.
  • Reduces erythema (skin condition characterized by redness or rash) as it cleanses and refreshes dry, sensitive skin safely and gently.

Damascus rose is a beautiful and rare type of rose. This flower mainly grows in Bulgaria and has been used in the cosmetic industry for centuries.

The Valley of Roses is a wonderful valley full of Damascus roses. It is located in central Bulgaria, which offers great soil and an ideal climate for this rose to grow and be cultivated for centuries. The Valley and the Damascus rose have naturally become Bulgarian symbols throughout the world. The picking season is from May to June. During this time, the Valley offers a pleasant scent and view of multi-coloured flowers.

Harvested by hand, the soil is cultivated without toxic fertilizers and pesticides.

 Bulgarian Rose oil also known as "liquid gold", takes more than 3000-3500 kg rose flowers to obtain 1 kg of the Rose oil.

Rose oil is obtained from flowers of the oil-bearing rose (Rosa Damascena ) through water-steam distillation.